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Evolutionary Ecology of
Social Mammals

Research that focuses on evolutionary ecology, animal behavior, and physiology in mammals lead by Dr. Jennifer Smith

Lab Work


       Since January 2023, I have examined thousands of photos from 2020 through 2023 taken by camera traps to observe the species’ activity patterns. The camera traps were set up in two different field sites: one with more human activity and one with almost no human activity. Using digiKam, an image software organizer, and the R statistical package “camtrapR,” we report on the variation in the visitation rates by mammals across space and time to uncover the interrelationships among multiple species within the park. Our dataset documents the activity patterns of mammals and offers insights into the potential effects of visitation by humans on the lives of these mammals. This project allows us to examine how humans affect the wildlife activity patterns in the area.

Field Work

       In the summer of 2023, I worked in California at Briones Regional Park on California Ground Squirrels with five other Biology Research Scholars. This was the first research project for the six of us; however, Dr. Smith and Dr. Sonja Wild, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of California-Davis, taught us how to do field research. We also collaborated with multiple students from UC Davis and Mills College at Northeastern University. Monday through Wednesdays, we would trap, tag, mark, and collect fecal and flea samples from squirrels. Once we returned from the field, we organized the fecal and flea samples and prepared our equipment for the next day. On Thursday and Fridays, we observed squirrel behavior. After, we uploaded the observational data onto an excel spreadsheet.

Team Squirrel in the News

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UW-Eau Claire biology team collaborates with University of California on field research

UWEC Newsroom

By Denise Olson

UWEC’s Team Squirrel analyzes field research in collaboration with UC-Davis


By Matthew Baughman

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